Track Record & Case Studies

Matt Fox - (Fitness Coach)

Fell in love with selling 👉 from A$10-15k to A$ 60k / month

"When I first spoke to Blaise, I told him I didn't want to do sales because I dislike being a salesman. But I shifted my mindset... I’m not selling, I’m educating. I show how my program can change their life, giving them 10x the value in how they look and feel. I’m glad Blaise 'sold' me on this program!"

Project Length

4 months


Matt avoided making sales calls because they made him feel "sleazy," so his team was closing leads through DMs at a lower price point.


We helped Matt enhance his offer, messaging, packaging, and pricing.

He also mastered the art of selling, gaining a huge boost in confidence about the value he was offering to his prospects.

As a result, he started closing high-ticket clients daily, sometimes closing 4 out of 5 calls in a single day.


Matt knew he could sell his fitness coaching program at a higher price by speaking directly with prospects over a video call. However, he hesitated, believing that making sales calls would make him seem like "that sleazy sales guy in the movies trying to sell a car that doesn't work."

After joining our coaching program and learning our structured approach to effective sales calls, Matt underwent a complete mindset shift. He shared, "It's a complete transformation for me. I never thought I'd do sales calls. You helped me realize that it's not really sales if you genuinely believe you can help someone. You're just conveying the message and doing them a favor by helping."

Matt acknowledges that he took a risk because he was determined to grow to the next level. He knew he would remain stuck if he let fear and limiting beliefs hold him back.

The result? Matt quadrupled his monthly sales volume from AUD $10-15k to AUD $60k within three months.

Adam Frater - (Fitness Coach)

Restructured ad campaign 👉 from profiting $12k to $105k / month

“I knew there was more to capitalize on with my funnel and the ads, but I just didn’t know how to get all the things in place to make this a reality."

From profiting $12k / month 👉 $241k revenue ($105k profit) in a month

Project Length

5 months


Adam was running ads on a funnel, but the returns were disappointing.

Despite having a massive audience, he knew he should be achieving better results, he just didn’t know how to get there.


We helped Adam refine his offer, messaging, and packaging to improve product-market fit.

We also recorded and edited new ad creatives, enhanced data tracking, and launched upsells to increase customer lifetime value.

As a result, we nearly 10x'd his monthly gross profit.


In 2019, Adam and his team generated $145k in gross profits by spending $744k on Facebook ads, resulting in $889k in revenue—an average return of 19.4%.

After partnering with us for just four months, we've generated him $731k in revenue while spending only $454k on Facebook ads, achieving an impressive 61% average return.

We made strategic adjustments to his offer, messaging, and design to achieve stronger market resonance and increase the landing page conversion rate. By improving data tracking and creating back-end offers and upsells, we were able to boost customer lifetime value, which helped us outpace the competition on the ad platform.

At the campaign level, we simplified the entire ad account structure, fewer campaigns, less complexity, more dynamic creatives. This allowed us to target larger, broader audiences and better leverage the power of Facebook’s algorithm.

As a result, we scaled their ad budget from struggling to break even with a $1k daily spend to over $5k, consistently generating $10k to $13k in daily revenue. We ended up hitting $241k revenue in a single month of which $105k was profit.

 Zac Perna - (Fitness coach)

Improved his ad creatives 👉 from A$ 41k to A$ 126k / month

“He’s honest and cares about the work and seems to enjoy it a lot. He has an organized, transparent team that gets things done."

From A$ 41k to A$ 126k per month

Project Length

10 months


Most of his sales came from organic traffic, but without clear tracking and reporting, he couldn't accurately measure his actual returns or how effectively the ads were converting.


We enhanced his offer, messaging, packaging, and pricing, and helped him integrate his entertaining editing style with effective selling in the ads.


The secret lies in the ad creative! Zac, an exceptional YouTuber and professional editor, has a natural talent for capturing attention.

We partnered with Zac to scale his low-ticket subscription fitness program, focusing on offer development, communication strategy, ad copy, and creative.

Through multiple iterations of messaging, pricing, and offers, we discovered that a transformation program targeted at his male audience, priced at $119, was the most profitable to scale. We also improved tracking, optimized the landing page, gathered more customer feedback, and launched an automated email campaign to retarget and nurture leads.

These efforts led to a higher customer lifetime value, improved conversion metrics, and greater commitment from his clients, resulting in more impressive transformations.

I've personally consulted him to help overcome his limiting beliefs around selling with the ads. He started developing exceptional ad creatives that not only capture attention but also persuade prospects to buy.

As a results we blow up his business going from A$ 41k to A$ 126k revenue in a single month. Here are some of the positive comments we've received on his ads.

Boyuan Zhao - (Email Marketing Agency)

Improved his objection handling, boosted his confidence and as a result closed $150k worth of deals in 8 months

“I've hired Blaise because I wanted to master handling objections to improve my close rate on the zoom calls. He helped dissolve my limiting beliefs and gave me confidence charging higher prices.

He always understood me very well on the coaching calls and made sure I’m internalizing his teachings as opposed to just lecturing me as most coaches do."

Project Length

3-4 months


Boyuan struggled to close deals at higher prices due to a lack of sales skills and the right mindset.

Limiting beliefs around objections and pricing were causing potential clients to hesitate and leave calls without making a decision.


Confidently charging higher prices and effectively handling objections, leading to more clients making decisions on the spot.

This resulted in significant sales growth, including closing $150k worth of deals in just 8 months.


When Boyuan approached me for help with closing deals, he was already a successful business owner, generating an average of $10k–$20k per month. However, he struggled with charging higher prices and handling objections, which prevented him from scaling his business further.

During our initial consultation, it became clear that Boyuan was held back by limiting beliefs around pricing and sales. Many potential clients would hesitate, ask for time to think, or raise objections about cost, leading to missed opportunities.

To address this, I provided Boyuan with personalized 1-on-1 coaching focused on dissolving these limiting beliefs. We worked through a structured sales framework, ensuring he understood the reasoning behind each element so he could confidently apply it during calls. We also focused on improving his objection-handling skills and overall closing techniques.

The results were transformative. Within the first two days, Boyuan closed a $7k consulting deal. During our interview, he left me waiting for 20 minutes because he was busy closing another $12k deal (which I was more than happy to forgive!).

He now confidently charges higher prices and handles objections with ease, resulting in more clients committing on the spot. Since joining my mentoring program 8 months ago, he has reported $150k worth of closed deals.

AJ Ellison - (Fitness Coach)

Doubled his monthly membership sales

"Overall I had a great experience and I’d highly recommend giving Blaise and his team a try.”

"3X return on FB ads targeting cold audience and my team can convert some to our high-end coaching program.

Project Length

12 months


AJ with his team were generating $8k per month from his low-ticket subscription fitness program but struggled to scale it effectively.

His messaging and offer weren’t fully optimized for his target audience, and his ad spend was not yielding significant returns.


By refining his offer, messaging, and pricing strategy, and by directly targeting dads, we helped AJ scale his monthly recurring revenue from $8k to $19k with an average monthly ad spend of just $2.7k.

This also fed into his high-ticket back-end offer, increasing his overall profitability per client.


AJ is the true inspiration for dads wanting to get in shape and set a good example for their kids. Being a father of three, running multiple businesses, and competing as a bodybuilder with the best in the world is definitely not an easy task.

We partnered with AJ to help scale his low-ticket subscription fitness program. Our main focus was offer development, communication strategy, ad copy, and creative.

We implemented multiple message, price, and offer iterations and determined that a transformation program advertised for dads at a price point of $119 is the most profitable to scale. We also fixed tracking, optimised the landing page, gathered more customer feedback, and launched an automated email campaign to retarget and nurture leads.

Speaking directly to dads has changed everything. Higher customer lifetime value and better conversion metrics, with more commitment from the clients and therefore more impressive transformations.

We managed to scale his MRR (monthly recurring revenue) from $8k to $19 with a minimal (avg. $2.7k monthly) ad spend. AJ also has a high-ticket back-end offer where he makes most of his profits. So this campaign is perfect for placing more people into his pipeline, later converting them to the higher-end program, and increasing his profitability per client.


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